Einstein's Universe Predictions were Right - Peter Biantes


· Education

About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a physics legend that thought beyond the present. He was born over a hundred years ago. Einstein made relativity theories that defied the boundaries of that time. At that time, Pluto had not been discovered, nor do people think much about spaceflight and space travel. Still, Einstein didn’t let that limit his works, imagination, and innovations. In 1915, Einstein made a publication about general relativity. He predicted some characteristics of the universe which were accurate, even nearly 150 years later.

Albert’s General Relativity Theory

Albert made a relativity theory that gravity is caused by space-time warp. It states the bigger the size of an object, the higher its chances of curving spacetime. Furthermore, the object has a higher chance of making objects smaller to it to fall in its direction. Furthermore, Einstein predicted that black holes exist. According to him, black holes are huge objects with high space-time warping ability that don’t allow light to escape space.

Other Theories

  1. Gravitational Waves
  2. A Glass That Magnifies Gravitation
  3. Einstein Ring
  4. A Star That Frame Drags
  5. An Orbiting Spirograph Star That Dances
  6. Wobbly Black Holes
  7. Echoes Of Black Holes


Last but not least, Peter Biantes is constantly astounded by how accurate Einstein’s forecasts from more than a century ago are in the real world. Scientists from all over the world have made amazing new discoveries thanks to his forecasts.